
Creation 2024


CORPOS is a laboratory carried by Hubert Petit-Phar and Augusto Soledade, choreographer from Bahia, accompanied by dancers from Bahia and Guadeloupe.

The exploration is based on the meeting between the two artists who share a reflection on the stigmatization of the black body, the body as a political tool. This project is woven between the artists.

"In a world where aesthetic, political, symbolic borders interfere more and more in a porous ebb and flow, how is the look on the human of today. The desire to exchange on this problematic of the corporal and sexual representation with Brazilian artists starts from the notion of the glance carried on the other, and this glance is dependent on its sensory, cultural or material environment. At the crossroads of our cultures, of our multiple identities, what place do we leave to the singularity of our bodies?

Hubert Petit-Phar

during a dancing show at , , FRANCE on May 24 2024. Photo: David Pochal

Duration: 50 minutes

Created for 4 dancers

Minimum plateau size : opening 8m, depth 6m, height 4m

Team on tour (6 people): 4 dancers, 1 of the two choreographers, 1 stage manager

Adaptation and intervention in the public space possible. Quotation and technical sheet on request

Creation, choreography:

Hubert Petit-Phar, Augusto Soledade


Sebastião Abreu, Alex Lago, Hiago Ruan, Mickaël Top

Création musicale​

Anthony Rouchier

Light design

Gérard Laffuste


Compagnie La Mangrove


Théâtre Vila Velha au Brésil, L’Artchipel – Scène nationale de Guadeloupe, Centre Culturel de Sonis en Guadeloupe, CDCN Touka Danses Guyane, CCN de Tours / Thomas Lebrun (dans le cadre de l’accueil-studio)


Institut Français, DAC Guadeloupe, Ministère des Outre-mer, Région Guadeloupe, Conseil Départemental de Guadeloupe, SCAC Recife, Festival international Viva Dança, Dispositif Récif – Karukera Ballet, La Factory // Théâtre de l’Oulle – L’autre scène permanente d’Avignon, Ville de Pantin, 783 Nantes


France / Europe : Manon Peugnet

Internationale: Charline Bruha